Private Sound Healing Sessions.

What A Session Includes:

Sound Healing.

Guided Meditation.


Ryan’s private sound healing sessions are located inside of Evergreen Beauty and Wellness Collaborative in Oak Park Sacramento California. Lay back on the comfort of a massage table and allow the healing vibrations and tones to deeply transform your inner frequency. This one hour session will take you out of the stressful thinking mind and back into a state of pure rest and relaxation.

This session includes a guided meditation to help bring you back to the truest version of yourself that is always in a constant state of inner peace.

Sound healing instruments including crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs and chimes are used through out the session to help reduce any stressful vibrations within the body.

Ryan also uses binaural beats to help relax and synchronize the brain in order to find a deeper space of rest and relaxation.